WEED MANAGEMENT WITH MIXED HERBICIDES (Ammonium Glufosinate 150 g/l and Methyl Metsulfuron 5 g/l) ON PALM OIL PLANT TBM


Uum Umiyati
Denny Kurniadie


This experiment was carried out with the  objecti ve of knowing the effectiveness of mixed herbicides with the active ingredients Ammonium Glufosinat 150 g/l and Methyl Metsulfuron 5 g/l for controlling common weeds in unproduced palm crops. The experiment was conducted at Sagala Herang Plantation in Serang Panjang Sub-district, West Java. The experimental design used was a randomized block design with four replicates and six treatments then tested further with Duncan test at 95% confidence level. The mixed herbicide treatments tested were -1 Ammonium Glufosinate 150 g/lg L and Methyl - 1 - 1 Metsulfuron 5 g L dose 193. 75 l Ha, mixed ammonium Ammonium Glufosinate 150 g L and -1 - 1 - 1 Methyl Metsulfuron 5 g L doses 387. 5 l Ha, Ammonium Glufosinat 150 g/l mixed herbicide and -1 -1 Methyl Metsulfuron 5 g L dose 581.25 l Ha , and herbicide mixture of active ingredient  Ammonium -1 -1 Glufosinat 150 g L and Methyl Metsulfuron 5 g L dose  -1 775 l Ha , manual weeding and without treatment (control). The results showed that Herbicide herbicide mixture of active ingredient Ammonium Glufosinat 150  -1 -1 g L and Methyl Metsulfuron 5 g L with dose 193.75 -1 775 l Ha is an effective herbicide controlling weed grass such as Ottochloa nodosa L, Imperata cylindrica L, and wide leaf weeds Ageratum conyzoides L and total weeds on oil palm cultivation aged 2 - 4 years until age of observation 12 MSA and did not cause poisoning in palm oil plant TBM until observation three weeks afterapplication.




Author Biographies

Uum Umiyati, Universitas Padjadjaran

Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran

Denny Kurniadie, Universitas Padjadjaran

Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjajaran