Research on insect diversity includes information on species; the diversity and the richness of insect’s species had begun to be carried out in relation to insecticides application for controlling some pests in oil palm plantations. The long-term application of insecticides for 9 months in every two weeks has been implemented as a study of information about kind and diversity of insects in oil palm plantations. The insecticides used consisted of Fipronil as chemical insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) as biological insecticide and a combination of Chlorantraniliprol as green label chemical insecticide (1 times) and Bt (3 times). The insects were trapped using yellow trays trap, Malaise trap and insect nets. The result shows that the insects caught in treatment block were 7,943 individuals, divided into 80 families and 11 orders. The diversity index and number of individuals at the Fipronil block was lower than other treatments due to a decrease in the number of families and individuals, while the Bt application and their combination with Chlorantraniliprole did not affect the diversity index and insect distribution values.

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