Penelitian Kelapa Sawit2025-01-13T07:32:53+00:00Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawitjpks@iopri.orgOpen Journal Systems<center> <p><img src="/public/site/images/adminjpks/cover_jurnal2.png" width="322" height="449"></p> </center> <p><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="">The Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit is a 4-month journal containing primary articles that are directly sourced on the research of all aspects of oil palm from upstream to downstream industries.</span></span></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit Indexed by :</strong></p> <p><a title="Sinta 2" href=""><img src="/public/site/images/adminjpks/SINTA_22.png" width="124" height="43"></a><a title="CrossRef" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/adminjpks/crossreff.png" width="124" height="43"></a><a title="Garuda" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/adminjpks/garuda1.png" width="124" height="43"></a><a title="One Search" href=""><img src="/public/site/images/adminjpks/IOS4.png" width="124" height="43"></a><a title="Google Schoolar" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/adminjpks/01-googlescholar1.png" width="124" height="43"></a></p> as an Invigoration Method on Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis L. Jacq) Seeds2025-01-13T07:32:53+00:00Mohamad Arifmohar0891@gmail.comEndah Retno Palupimohar0891@gmail.comSatriyas Ilyasmohar0891@gmail.comWidajati Widajatimohar0891@gmail.comAbdul Qadirmohar0891@gmail.comEdy<p>Seeds of several plant species that have been stored for a certain period show better vigor after matriconditioning. Oil palm seed is classified as intermediate seeds which can only be stored for approximately one year. The experiment was aimed to observe the effects of matriconditioning on oil palm seed vigor, especially oil palm seeds that had been stored for more than one year. The experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design with three factors. The first factor was seed lots i.e., fresh seed lots (three replications, each stored for 3, 4, and 9 months) and old seed lots (three replications, each stored for 13, 14, and 41 months). The second factor was matriconditioning media and solutions, with 12 levels which were combinations between matroconditioning media (zeolite, vermiculite, and husk charcoal) and matriconditioning solutions (the emulsion of Trichoderma sp., 2% KNO<sub>3</sub>, 2% KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, and water). Matriconditioning significantly increased air humidity (98.3 - 99.9%) compared to RH in the control (75.33%), and at the same time lowered the temperature around the seeds (27.7-27.8<sup>o</sup>C) compared to the temperature around the control seed (27.9<sup>o</sup>C). Matriconditioning also increased seed moisture content from 15.7% (control) to 16.13-16.48% which were suitable for further dormancy breaking process. A significant increase in germination percentage (GP) was not found between the matriconditioning treatments and the control, but the GP increase (4.3 - 12.6%) due to matriconditioning showed that this treatment could be applied to germinate oil palm seeds that had been stored for more than one year. The research also showed that water was sufficient as matriconditioning solution on oil palm seeds.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit Effective and Efficient Method to Measure Moisture Content of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis L. Jacq) Seeds2025-01-13T07:32:53+00:00Renica Nurhermawatirenicanurhermawati@gmail.comNabhila Ivankamohar0891@gmail.comMohamad<p>The gravimetric oven method in determining oil palm seeds' moisture content (MC) requires a long time (48 hours of heating). It is destructive, causing the test seeds not to be utilized, so determining the oven time using the gravimetric method and using a more practical MC measuring device is necessary. This study aims to find an adequate time for MC determination using the oven gravimetry method and to find a more practical method as an alternative to oven gravimetry. The research was conducted at the Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI) Marihat Unit, North Sumatra, in May 2023 using oil palm seeds of the DxP PPKS 540 variety. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 14 levels (GMM P1 - P8, MT P10, MT P13, MT P14, MT P19, oven gravimetry with broken seeds, and oven gravimetry with intact seeds as control), each repeated six times. The experiment results showed that the efficient time for determining the KA of oil palm seeds by the gravimetric method was 22 hours, much faster than the 48 hours that oil palm seed producers usually apply. In addition, MT P10 and MT P19 have the potential to be an alternative in measuring KA quickly and practically. Further research is recommended to increase the number of measurements at various levels of seed KA in order to produce a seed KA measurement model using a moisture tester (MT) to replace oven gravimetry, which takes a longer time.</p>2024-12-10T03:50:18+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit and Income Risk of RSPO Certified and Non-Certified Oil Palm Smallholders 2025-01-13T07:32:53+00:00Agung Rahmat Syahputraagungrsyahputra@gmail.comRatnawati Nurkhoiryrn.nurkhoiry@gmail.comRizki Amaliarizki.amalia87@gmail.comZulfi Prima Sani<p>Palm oil plantations are often criticized for poor governance practices covering environmental, social, and economic aspects. Sustainability certification has emerged as a solution to these issues, offering assurances of sustainability in the supply chain to stakeholders, including smallholders. Without certification, smallholders face significant risks, including market volatility and production losses, which able to impact their income and the sustainability of their operations. This study aims to evaluate and compare production and income risks between certified and non-certified smallholders. Research method involves calculating the coefficient of variation to measure risk. Results show that certified smallholders face lower risks compared to non-certified smallholders, both in terms of production and income. This reflects better risk management, particularly in more efficient labor allocation and higher financial gains, despite higher costs. This success is inseparable from the support of the RSPO and cooperatives, which play a vital role in fulfilling the commitment to achieve the goals outlined in the Theory of Change (ToC).</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit Of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis using The PROMETHEE Method in Initial Selection of Dura Mother Palm Trees: A Case Study of Field Observation Data in The IOPRI BJ43S (DxD) Experimental Estate, Bah Jambi, North Sumatra2025-01-13T07:32:53+00:00Zulfi Prima Sani Nasutionzulfi_primasani@yahoo.comArfan Nazhri Simamoraarfan.nazhri@gmail.comKurnia Rinanda Filsofi SiregarKurniarinandafs@gmail.comYurna<p style="font-weight: 400;">Decision-making based on multiple criteria requires a comprehensive method to ensure accurate decisions. One such approach is the application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). The Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) is a well-known method within MCDA, commonly used in fields such as business, finance, and technology, but it remains rarely utilized in the field of plant breeding. In this paper, the PROMETHEE method is employed for the initial selection of potential parent palm trees through the ranking of trees tested in the PPKS BJ43S (DxD) experimental estate, Bah Jambi, North Sumatra. This analysis utilizes field observation data from 1,395 tested palms, selecting the top 10%, or approximately 140 trees, based on the PROMETHEE method. The selection of these trees considers various criteria, including bunch weight, fruit-to-bunch ratio, mesocarp-to-fruit ratio, and oil characteristics. The analysis results indicate that this method is effective in the initial selection of potential mother palm trees, as it provides insights into the relative contribution of each criterion influencing the ranking of the palms. The ranking of the palms based on this analysis can serve as a basis for selecting mother palms considering multiple characteristics for the purpose of developing planting materials or for commercial applications.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (Effect of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and P Fertilizer on Maize Growth (Zea mays L.) on Mature Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Stage 12025-01-13T07:32:53+00:00R Dwi Puspita Suherman<p>Open space at the mature phase of oil palm can be used to increase land productivity through an intercropping pattern with maize. Inceptisol soil has low chemical fertility especially P content, efforts that can be made to increase the P content of soil are by applying biological fertilizers such as phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). This study aimed to determine and examine the effect of PSB and various doses of P fertilizer to increase the growth and yield of maize in mature phase oil palm plantations. The experiment was carried out at the Ciparanje Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University from January to April 2023. The experiment was carried out using a randomized block design (RBD) method consisting of seven treatments and repeated four times. The treatment consisted of 100% dose of SP-36, 50 kg/ha PSB + 25% dose of SP-36, 50 kg/ha PSB + 50% dose of SP-36, 50 kg/ha PSB + 75% dose of SP-36, 75 kg/ha PSB + 25% dose of SP-36, 75 kg/ha PSB + 50% dose of SP-36, 75 kg/ha PSB + 75% dose of SP-36. The results showed that the application of PSB and P fertilizer effected on the plant height, stem diameter, cob length, cob diameter, dry weight of 100 seeds, dry weight per plant, dry weight per plot, and dry weight per hectare. A dose of 50 kg PSB and 25% P fertilizer is the most efficient dose and the use of PSB can reduce the need for P fertilizers by up to 75%.</p>2024-12-10T03:52:23+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit